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What Is a Full Stack Developer? Skills to Be Mastered

What Is a Full Stack Developer? Skills to Be Mastered

Do you frequently hear the phrase “full stack developer”? Do you frequently hear but do not fully comprehend what a full stack developer entails? You’ve probably heard the term “full stack developer” when discussing the development of web applications.

In this article, I’ll explain what a full stack developer is. In addition, what skills a full stack developer must possess. Consider the following explanation.

Definition of Full Stack Developer

Have you ever designed a website? If so, you at least know how to build a website. Creating a website framework necessitates the use of HTML programming code. Aside from processing the html program, you must also create the website’s appearance. Using photo editing software, for example, which can be converted into programming code. That is a basic full stack developer term.

In general, a full stack developer is someone who is comfortable working as both a back end and front end developer. Developers can specifically work with JavaScript, PHP, Java, databases (back end), and can convert designs into programming code such as HTML, CSS, and XML (front end).

So, does a full stack developer have to be proficient in all technologies? You don’t have to be an expert in every technology to become a full stack developer. A full stack developer’s experience is valuable. It is not only a matter of how long he has worked in his field that determines his level of experience. However, he has learned a lot and is capable of analyzing and solving problems on both the back end and the front end.

Skills Required for Full Stack Developers

You don’t need to be concerned if you want to become a full stack developer; you can do it. I’d like to share some of the skills that a full stack developer must possess:

1. Mastering Several Programming Languages ​​(Back End)

Back End Developer Illustration
Back End Developer Illustration

To become a full stack developer, you must be fluent in several programming languages. The logic and algorithm are the most crucial. However, in order to become a full stack developer, you must be proficient in project planning, structuring, implementation, and testing.

Various programming languages for back end operations. Java, Node.js (JavaScript), PHP, Python, Ruby, Swift, and other programming languages are examples. Of course, a full stack developer must be fluent in object-oriented programming (OOP). It is not easy to master all of the aforementioned programming languages. What is the answer? The solution is to begin learning various types of programming languages and to practice a lot.

In addition, if you haven’t mastered everything, learn at least one programming language. Use a programming language you believe to be effective and efficient. Select a programming language that meets the requirements of your project.

See also the following related articles:

2. Mastering Frontend Technology

Front End Developer Illustration
Front End Developer Illustration

In addition to mastering the backend, you must also master this one thing. Why is this the case? Because the front end connects the design and the back end.

Even if you haven’t mastered the back end. You must first master the front end. The person in charge of analyzing and creating an application display is known as the front end.

Those of you who work as full stack developers must be familiar with key technologies. Particularly for front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, XML, and JavaScript. Also included are libraries such as Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJS, and others.

HTML and CSS are required for this profession. HTML5 and CSS3 are two skills required for web content modification. XML is used to modify various aspects of the Android application. After you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you can move on to learning Javascript and other languages. See also the following articles about the front end:

3. Mastering UI UX design

UI UX Design Illustration
UI UX Design Illustration

The UX (User Experience) is determined by the UI (User Interfaces) and how well you used front end technology. The success of any product or project is determined by its user interface and user experience. A good application is one that makes an appealing first impression on the user and appears user-friendly.

A full stack developer must prioritize UI UX. You must understand the fundamentals of prototyping design principles. This can help you move on to the next stage, which is the front end stage. As a result, the design can be converted into programming code such as HTML5, CSS3, and the ability to work with libraries.

4. Ability to Handle Databases

Database Developer Illustration
Database Developer Illustration

The ability to handle multiple databases without interruption is a full stack developer’s most valuable skill. There are numerous database options available at the moment. MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Oracle, and so on. The use of database options can be tailored to your project’s scalability.

MongoDB is an excellent choice for building an online or web service application. However, for larger-scale projects, MySQL and Oracle are the best options. Caching and Redis can be used to improve database performance.

You must understand how to manage the appropriate database. Manage multiple databases with care, collect data, and interact with those who own the data, among other things.

5. Soft Skills Ability

Presentation Illustration
Presentation Illustration

To become a full stack developer, you must not only have hard skills (back end and front end), but also soft skills. As an example, consider the following:

  • Critical Thinking Skills. A full stack developer must be able to think critically and take initiative. Someone with critical thinking skills can evaluate situations, apply logic, and provide a solution to a problem.
  • Good Communication Skills. A full stack developer must be able to communicate effectively. The reason for this is that good communication skills are required to open up new business opportunities. Particularly when marketing application products to various organizational audiences.
    Furthermore, a developer must be able to speak during meetings with other divisions or customers. Programming languages are difficult to explain to users. As a result, the developer must be able to communicate it in formal language.
  • New Technology Updates. Your work as a Full Stack Developer is closely related to technology. As a result, don’t be satisfied with your current knowledge and always strive to learn the latest technology. Because technology will continue to evolve over time.


That’s an overview of the full stack developer and some of the skills required. Continue to practice if you want to be an expert in full stack programming. At the very least, you begin to experiment with things that a full stack developer must master.

Please share your thoughts on the full stack developer in the comments section. Thank you very much.

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Shafy Gunawan

I’m a web developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP; dabbling with Python programming language; and share the knowledge that I learned.

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