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How to Install XAMPP on Windows

How to Install XAMPP on Windows (Easiest!)

Do you want to make a website on your own computer? It’s simple, we just need to learn how to install XAMPP.

This is frequently done by people who are learning to create websites but do not have the funds to purchase hosting and domains. Furthermore, many people test websites locally using XAMPP before publishing them to the internet.

Fortunately, installing XAMPP is simple. In addition, XAMPP can be run on a local computer without an internet connection. As a result, we can test the website faster without having to wait online first.

So, before we get into how to install XAMPP, let’s first get to know XAMPP!

What Is XAMPP?

XAMPP is a program that allows us to set up a local web server for testing websites. Many people enjoy using XAMPP because it is a lightweight application. Furthermore, XAMPP can be used on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Although XAMPP can run on macOS and Linux, this tutorial will only cover how to install XAMPP on Windows.

3 Steps How to Install XAMPP on Windows

Here are three simple steps to installing XAMPP on our local machine:

1. Download XAMPP

The first step in installing XAMPP is to download the installer file. Please Download XAMPP from the official website. Select the installer for the Windows operating system, then click the Download button.

XAMPP Download Site for Windows
XAMPP Download Site for Windows

Related post: How to Create a MySQL Database With XAMPP

2. Install XAMPP

  1. After we have finished downloading the installer file, proceed with the installation. During the installation, you may be asked if you are sure you want to install it. Please press Yes to proceed with the installation.
  2. The XAMPP setup wizard window will then appear. To proceed, click the Next button.
XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
  1. The following screen will display options for which XAMPP components we want and do not want to install. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will leave it as is:
Select Components XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
Select Components XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
  1. Next, please choose the location where we want XAMPP to be installed. We will use the default setting from C:\xampp. You are free to specify the destination folder based on your preferences.
Installation Folder XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
Installation Folder XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
  1. On the following screen, we can choose the language to be used. We will use English in this case.
Language XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
Language XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
  1. To continue with the XAMPP installation, click Next.
Ready to Install XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
Ready to Install XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
  1. The XAMPP installation process will begin at this point. Wait until the installation is finished.
Installation Process XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
Installation Process XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
  1. After successfully installing, a notification will appear asking if you want to run XAMPP right away. These options can be checked so that XAMPP opens immediately after clicking the Finish button.
Completing XAMPP Setup Wizard Window
Completing XAMPP Setup Wizard Window

If a notification like the one below appears while installing XAMPP, click Allow access and leave the default settings.

Apache Windows Security Alert
Apache Windows Security Alert
MySQL Windows Security Alert
MySQL Windows Security Alert

Related post: How to Import MySQL Database in phpMyAdmin Easily

3. Run XAMPP

After the XAMPP installation is complete, we can try to run the XAMPP. Make sure XAMPP is open, then click the Apache and MySQL Start buttons. If everything goes well, Apache and MySQL will be green, as shown below.

Start Apache and MySQL XAMPP
Start Apache and MySQL XAMPP

Please use a web browser to access http://localhost to ensure that Apache and MySQL are up and running. If Apache and MySQL are up and running, it will look like this:

XAMPP Dashboard Page
XAMPP Dashboard Page

How to Install XAMPP Very Easy Right?

At this point, we’ve learned what XAMPP is and how to install it on Windows. Next, we can learn how to create websites on localhost, such as a Login Form PHP MySQL With Session.

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Shafy Gunawan

I’m a web developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP; dabbling with Python programming language; and share the knowledge that I learned.

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